Have you ever had one of those "chance" meetings that changed your life? I have, and call this a "Purposeful" meetings now, and allow me to share why. I don't want to think of things that change the direction of my life as "chance" I would rather take the attitude that these meetings are "Purposeful" we just may not know at the time.
In my short video I share a piece from my book; It's not about cancer, it's about you; six reasons to keep living and enjoying your gift of life, about a meeting I had with a friend and a colleague by the name of Robert. What was suppose to be about a meeting of my next step into the roll as President of our National Speakers Association of Wisconsin, this "Purposeful" meeting changed the direction of my life by helping to direct me to my "Cancer-Fighting Team" at UW Madsion. Just so happen that his wife worked for the Head & Neck Surgeron at UWM for 14 years and I had this big tumor growing on the side of my neck. After many visits at other clinic's and hospitals that left me confused and lost, what was to be a professional meeting turn into the "Purposeful" meeting of my life!
That meeting helped me discover the team that I needed to fight my cancer. Have you ever had one of those "Purposeful"meetings that changed your life? Sometimes it doesn't happen that fast, but you never know. So as your journey moves forward think of every meeting as a "Purposeful" meeting meant to encourage, inspire and help someone you may know along their journey in life, cancer or no cancer.
My mission is to offer hope and encouragement to everyone I meet! Larry offers inspirational and motivational Keynotes to help inspire your people at your event to live their life to their fullest potential. Discover how you can invite Larry to your next event or conference.