Hello my name is Larry, I'm a 3 year cancer survivor, and now I've been blessed with the opportunity to be a cancer caregiver to the one I Iove. Yes "blessed" maybe, just maybe, my cancer journey 3 years ago (2009) was to prepare me for Debbie's cancer journey today, as I write on this day May 27, 2012, day 2 after a 7 hour surgery. Day 2 is a celebration of life, day 3 and all the days that await us are celebrations, and it's our purpose to enjoy our gift of life with those we love, work with, know, network with, no matter the relationship, I see it as our duty to inspire and encourage others.
As The Cancer-Fighting Specialist my mission is to offer hope and encouragement to everyone I meet, now it's everyone we (Debbie & I) meet. Debbie being my marketing director and a darn good one at that, helps me get my message of hope and encouragement through my presentations and our book. As we move forward she will have a story of hope and encouragement through her recovery and victory over her cancer and together we will celebrate life offeing inspiration and encouragement to others. My message today is "Let's Celebrate Life" every day, no matter how bad the weather is, what side of the bed you woke up on, what the doctor say's, who likes you or dislikes you, today I give you permission to celebrate your life daily.
June 8 I will sahre this message at a (American Cancer Society) ACS Relay for Life Keynote in Tomah WI. My Debbie will not be able to be there with me helping me share and get our book in the hands of other people, but her heart will be with me, we almost become like one, I will have a picture of her first walk (small steps to victory) with me to share. Please take a minute and tell yourself today that you're going to "Celebrate Life" every day moving forward, your choice, your life, make the best of it, so you can become more for a blessing to others.
We all have small steps to take along our journey in life, it's always best when you can take them when you know you're helping someone else discover their own powerful potential to live, and keep moving forward!
The Cancer-Fighting Specialist and his Marketing Director, Cancer Survivor Debbie.