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Larry Cockerel

  • Helping people and organizations maximize their potential: Sales Development- Leadership Development- Motivation

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Found my way to your Blog toguhrh my travels tonight! Congratulations on being Cancer free and being a beautiful wife and mother of four beautiful children! Wow - what a scary journey you had. As I read thru some of your posts, I could feel how brave you truly were, even though some days it was hard! I am a 50ish Diva Mom :))with an awesome husband and 2 beautiful kids who are now 28 & 30 ~ and this month I am a 3 yr. cancer survivor! I was diagnosed with a very rare, subglottal tumor below and on my voice box. They treated it as an advanced cancer due to the uncertainty. Did 7 weeks of daily radiation along with Chemo once a week during that 7 weeks. Lots of scans, pet scans etc these last 3 years - I go every 3 months for check-ups - will graduate to every 4 months on January 1st - WooHoo - Life is Good! Strength, courage and hope every day ~ Keep the faith! Keeping the fear at Bay is always the hardest. But filling our lives with family, friends and all the things we love makes it all bearable! I wish you and your family all good things and will send the good Karma your way!

Weiss Guy,Ditto what Tissa said. You are a svouivrr. In the words of Regina Brett, just keep doing the next right thing. I wish I were closer. For now, I am sending cyber hugs your way.

Good luck ,Great post,y love you!Thanks for the info it had cleared out too many things in my mind. Your recommendations are really good.

Colon cancer can occur at any age, but the somtpyms are far more commonly displayed by lesser illnesses. Colonic cancers are more prevalent in older patients, but there has been an increase in the number of younger patients who follow a western style diet high in processed foods. Common illnesses are common is one of the first things quoted to medical students, and there are many common ailments which singly or in combination can cause all of the somtpyms of colonic cancer. Accurate diagnosis involves taking tissue samples for microscopic examination and the process in which this is done can be a bit uncomfortable but is not painful.The internet and self-diagnosis can in many ways be more worrying than the illness itself. Stop assuming it's cancer and let the expert make a diagnosis. Even if your worst fears are realised, then early detection and modern treatment ensure a high survival rate; treatments have dramatically improved even in the three years that I've been interested in oncology.

This review is from: This book is a fansittac resource for all cancer patients, but especially for newly-diagnosed cancer patients. Written by an MD who has cancer, it provides common sense guidance for many aspects of treating and living with cancer. I highly recommend this book for patients who have just been diagnosed. Read this book before you do anything! It is also valuable for cancer patients who have been diagnosed with a recurrence. An easy read, it is well worth the few dollars you will spend to own it.

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