I've found that once we know what we want, where we want to go and why, the journey get's even better. I would never have thought back on December 11, 2008 when I was diagnoised with cancer that cancer would turn out being like a mentor to me, teaching me about my new purpose and passion in life. I hope that you will find that the title of my book say's it all and the subtitle, six reasons to keep living and enjoying your gift of life, isn't about cancer but about living your best life.
I have two programs to offer from my book, first: The "WHY FACTOR" Six Reasons to Keep Living and Enjoying Your Gift of Life (Motivational- Inspirational)
Second: An "Unforgettable Journey" C.A.N.C.E.R- and how it can add to the bottom line! (Motivational-Business Development)
Please enjoy my story and help me fulfill my mission, get you a book today and I can sure get by to share a program with you and your group!